Upload Key

Primary Upload Key is $25, each additional key is $5. Upload keys are permanent, there is no subscription, you just pay once and as long as you keep the key you will have access. Currently the only payment method is through crypto, and for easy payment use this link. Send an email or open a ticket for custom key changes (before or after payment), or to pay with another crypto/private address not listed.

Having a key grants you:
  • Ability to specify a name that will appear in URL (example: /image/[your_URL]/filename.jpg) instead of "default".
  • Ability to request that your uploads not appear in recent uploads (hidden key).
  • Up to 5gb of dedicated storage, and files will be stored indefinitely.
  • Higher simultaneous upload limit.
  • Access to all galleries.



You may buy a banner slot which will be viewable on all images on the website (as well as link to the website the banner is for). This is a flat fee of $10 per month. Your banner cannot contain or link to anything that is illegal or malicious, but otherwise any type of banner is acceptable (if you are unsure, send an email before sending payment). The banner will be resized to 468x129. No KYC or information from you is required, just the crypto and the banner/link/description. You may prepay for any number of months, and switch out the banner/info on request.

Content Policy / ToS

Anything illegal or borderline is prohibited, including but not limited to: zoo, scat, necro, underage nudity (including fictional), "doxing", harassment, or spam. If you are unsure you should email and ask if the service will be suited for your purpose. You may use the content posted to this website for any purpose as long as the content is permitted, and the purpose is not malicious or damaging towards the site in any way. Content is regularly backed up, but the availability of backups is not guaranteed on an individual basis. Content uploaded with the default key may be removed at any time for any reason, but generally only after 3 months of the image not being accessed; content with an active key are stored indefinitely (but may be deleted by the user).

Users are responsible for their key and what gets uploaded with it. Changing the password or recovering a lost password is only possible through email, and only from the email associated with the key's creation (if any, not required). Users are free to share or exchange their key with whoever they like, noting the first part of this paragraph.